MBL推出EZ-Accu Shot™ Starved Cells——满足JP要求的R2A培养基测试用定量菌株
日本药典《Quality Control of Water for Pharmaceutical Use》(制药用水的质量控制)章节提到:
3.4.2 Media Growth Promotion Test (培养基促生长测试)
In the media growth promotion test with R2A Agar Medium, use the strains listed below or other strains considered to be equivalent to these strains. Prior to the media growth promotion test, inoculate these strains into sterile puried water and incubate at 20-25℃ for 3 days. (在使用R2A琼脂培养基进行培养基促生长测试时,使用以下菌株或其他等效菌株。在进行培养基促生长测试之前,将这些菌株接种到无菌纯净水中,20 -25℃培养3天。)
Methylobacterium extorquens (扭脱甲基杆菌): NBRC 15911
Dilute the fluid containing the starved strain in purified water with sterile purified water to prepare a fluid containing about 50 -200 cfu per mL. When pipeting 1 mL of the diluted solution onto the R2A agar medium to be used for incubating at 20-25℃or 30-35℃for 4-7 days, a sufficient number of recovered colonies of the microorganism must be observed in comparison with the inoculated cfus.(用无菌纯净水稀释经过饥饿处理的菌株,获得菌浓约为50-200 cfu/mL的菌悬液。转移1mL菌悬液到R2A琼脂培养基中,20-25℃或30-35℃培养4-7天,与接种的cfus相比,必须观察到足够数量的微生物回收菌落)
为了简化和加快R2A琼脂培养基促生长测试程序,Microbiologics公司开发了EZ-Accu Shot™ Starved Cells 系列产品。
Microbiologics公司将菌株接种到无菌纯净水中并按照日本药典要求在20-25°C下培养3天来使其处于饥饿状态,然后将处于饥饿状态的菌株进行计数和冻干。按照操作说明使用该产品,在R2A培养基上可提供的挑战浓度为50-200 CFU。
01110SC Methylobacterium extorquens derived from ATCC BAA-2500™*(扭脱甲基杆菌)
• 每盒可进行50次测试,适合于各种规模的实验室
• 冷藏存储,简单经济
• 可溯源至标准物质,确保真实性
• 在线质检报告提供详细的菌株信息